
Some houses, while they are very beautiful and built in very good areas, possess negative energy. What happens when a house has negative energy? People who live in houses with negative energy usually become prone to illness. They are almost always nervous and get into fights very easily with everyone and everything and most of all, their jobs go from bad to worse. Their mood is always low and they have no appetite for almost anything. The people who visit them, usually leave with bad impressions as they are also affected by the negative energy of the place. Also, guest reviews and comments to others, even after a long time, about their visit are negative! But how can a house have negative energy? Negative energy that may be present in a house may have been left over from previous owners (if there were any), such as someone being very seriously ill or someone in that house having died violently or even naturally and leaving their energy in that space. Also, it may have been left over from the builder or the laborers or the realtor who sold us the house. This, of course, does not mean that they wanted to leave negative energy, but when someone has negative energy, they usually scatter it wherever they go.
Another case that is very serious and much stronger, is the geographical location where any building has been built. There are geographical locations on earth where, over the centuries, bad crimes may have been committed or there may have been an old cemetery, which over the years people may have lost evidence of its existence. Another reason may be that there was a sacrificial altar of some religion! It is also possible that the specific geographical location is a channel of negative energy that is connected to other parts of the earth. I imagine you will have heard of different areas of the planet where there is a high crime rate or too many accidents occurring for no reason. This is because these areas connect with channels of negative energy. House cleansings from such negative energies usually take from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the case. After the cleansing, the healer puts strong energy shields in the space, so that the space or the people who live in it will never be troubled again.