
Some religions, wrongly in my opinion, say that animals don’t have a soul…Personally, as a healer but also as a person who has grown up with many animals around (as we have always had pets both inside and outside our home), I have found that not only do they have a mind, but that oftentimes their mind in previous lives was in human form. There have been plenty of times, in fact, that I have found that some pet owners have a spiritual bond from past lives with their pet! Sometimes, in fact, they even have ties from their current life. What I mean is if someone very close to them has died in this life, they are quickly reborn in the form of some animal and, hence, very quickly adopted by the person who has lost their loved one. That is why it can frequently be seen that even though someone might not be an animal lover they suddenly become attached to an animal and adopt it. You will have also seen that many animals such as cats, dogs and many other species of animals, adopt human behavior. My career as a therapist started at a very young age, treating animals from injuries or other health problems they may have had. For the last few years, I have had a beautiful dog, which I am very attached to and I treat her as if she were a human. Our bond is special on a spiritual level and in fact, most of the time we communicate spiritually even when I am in another country.
There have been numerous occasions she has indicated to me, through spiritual communication, exactly where she was in pain or some specific health problem that was ailing her! Twice, in fact, she was on the verge of dying from health problems and the vets had told me that we should just euthanize her! As you can imagine, I did not allow such a thing to happen and simply treated her with my hands whenever it was needed and to this day, she is completely healthy to the amazement of the veterinarians! Treatments, performed on animals are equivalent to those performed on humans.